Pot and vegetable plot Muscat

The cost of transport, installation and custom products will be calculated by our support team and depends on the location and needs of the customer. We encourage you to contact us:
email: kontakt@dbgarden.pl

Dimensions: 211 x 72 x 96 cm
Material: BSH structural timber + Siberian larch + OSB
Mounting method: foundations not required
Lead time: production up to 21 days – assembly up to 0,5 hour
Possibility of personalization: yes



Muscat is a solid vegetable plot that will make a nice addition to your decking, garden or greenhouse. The walls has 4.5 cm thick and are lined with 2 layers of thick foil. The pot has a drain with a strainer so it will not turn into a bathtub, and your crop will survive even the biggest downpours. Because of the frame structure, the pot can stand even on slightly boggy gravel or sand. If your adventure with growing vegetables and herbs is just beginning, you are are afraid that you will fail, remember that you can also plant flowers, grass or small shrubs in the pot.


* Each product can be personalized according to your needs and dimensions provided by you. The production time is extended to 9 days then and and the price may change.


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